Seminarreihe  /  05. April 2023, 13–14 Uhr

The role of automobility engagement in consumer response to new mobility innovations: A mixed-method study

Am 5. April 2023 ist Viviane H. Gauer im Rahmen der Seminarreihe virtuell zu Gast am Fraunhofer ISI. Der Vortrag »The role of automobility engagement in consumer response to new mobility innovations: A mixed-method study« beginnt um 13 Uhr.

Die ISI-Seminarreihe bündelt spannende Themen aus dem Portfolio des Fraunhofer ISI und bietet in regelmäßigen Abständen Gelegenheit zu Diskussion und Austausch.



The »automobility« system refers to the prevalence of the privately- owned car, including technology, infrastructure, and cultural elements, as well as its societal impacts.

Here I present a series of mixed-method studies exploring automobility from a consumer perspective. This research aims to better understand consumer engagement with the private vehicle and potential shifts to shared, automated, and electric mobility innovations that may improve transport sustainability.

The collaboration and exchange with Viviane Gauer takes place within the »KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility High Performance Center / Profilregion«.



Viviane H. Gauer

I am a PhD Candidate at Simon Fraser University (SFU), Canada. My research investigates how consumers engage with private carbased mobility and respond to »new mobility« innovations. I am interested in applying my research skills to help inform sustainable transitions towards decarbonized systems.