
Solutions for CRitical Raw materials – a European Expert Network (SCRREEN)

SCRREEN (Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network) aims at gathering European initiatives, associations, clusters, and projects working on CRMs into a long lasting Expert Network on Critical Raw Materials, including the stakeholders, public authorities and civil society representatives. SCRREEN will contribute to improve the CRM strategy in Europe by

i. mapping primary and secondary resources as well as substitutes of CRMs,
ii. estimating the expected demand of various CRMs in the future and identifying major trends,
iii. providing policy and technology recommendations for actions improving the production and the potential substitution of CRM,
iv. addressing specifically WEEE and other EOL products issues related to their mapping and treatment standardization and
v. identifying the knowledge gained over the last years and easing the access to these data beyond the project.

  1. Establish an EU Expert Network that covers the whole value chain for present and future critical raw materials.
  2. Analyse pathways and barriers for innovation, and identify the solutions for overcoming these barriers.
  3. Study the regulatory, policy and economic framework to boost the creation of new markets in Europe.
  4. Develop a knowledge data portal.


November 2016 – April 2019


  • EU (H2020)


    Commissariat A L’Energie Atomique et Aux Energies Alternatives (CEA)


  • Amphos 21 Group
  • Association Francaise de Normalisation (AFNOR)
  • BGR - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe
  • BGS
  • BRGM
  • Chalmers Tekniska Hoegskola AB (Chalmers)
  • Ecodom - Consorzio Italiano per il Recupero e Riciclaggio Elettrod
  • ENCO
  • Fraunhofer ISI, Germany
  • Geologian Tutkimuskeskus (GTK)
  • Geološki zavod Slovenije (GeoZS)
  • GEUS
    Instytut Metali Niezelanznych (IMN)
  • Italian National agency for new technologies, Energy and sustainable economic development (ENEA), Italy
  • Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)
  • LGI Consulting (LGI)
  • LU-CML
  • Mefos
  • MinPol
  • National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
  • Optimizacion Orientada a la Sostenibilidad (IDENER)
  • PNO Consultants
  • SGU - Sveriges geologiska undersökning
  • Technische Universiteit Delft
  • Tecnalia
  • United Nations University (UNU)
  • Universidad de Burgos
  • VTT - Technical Research Centre Finland
