Battery research at Fraunhofer ISI

Fraunhofer ISI has been active in the field of battery technologies for over ten years. The technological focus of our battery activities is on lithium-ion batteries. However, also alternative battery chemistries and systems that could reach market maturity in the next few years are continuously monitored and analysed.

Fraunhofer ISI's research questions in the field of batteries range from the evaluation of research and development of new battery technologies in the laboratory to suitable funding strategies, technology commercialisation, industrial production, usage phase and finally end-of-life treatment.

Market analysis and forecasts

The description and analysis of battery markets has been one of our major research areas for more than ten years. We not only track emerging markets, but also evaluate and forecast their future development with the help of our methodological toolbox.

We run a comprehensive database covering the entire LIB value chain from materials to applications and recycling. To maintain and improve our database, we continuously track supply chains and actor networks all the way down to regional sales markets for all major battery applications.

Our data basis allows us to address macro economic research questions concerning e.g. global resource availability or investment flows as well as to develop and benchmark business models targeting specific industries and market segments.

For more information, check our latest publications.

Technology roadmapping and benchmarking

New technologies and innovations are created at the interface between research and industry, which is exactly where we are at home. Thanks to our good networking in the European research scene and with many medium-sized and large international companies, we do not only succeed in picking up on technology trends, but also in evaluating them against application and market requirements at the same time.

We regularly organize technology- and application-specific expert workshops or apply our mathematical models to calculate the effects of technological developments or substitutes at the material, battery cell or system level.

Our technology roadmaps, which were developed within the framework of BMBF funding, can be found in the publications section.


  • Benchmarking International Battery Policies:

    A cross analysis of international public battery strategies focusing on Germany, EU, USA, South Korea, Japan and China

    Benchmarking International Battery Policies
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The report Benchmarking International Battery Policies: A cross analysis of international public battery strategies focusing on Germany, EU, USA, South Korea, Japan and China presents a comparison of the battery policies of the world's leading countries. The report analyses their political and technical objectives, key performance indicators and funding strategies with a focus on lithium-ion, solid-state and alternative batteries, providing an overview of the status quo and the evolution of the global situation.

    Lithium-Ion Battery Roadmap – Industrialization Perspectives Towards 2030

    Benchmarking International Battery Policies
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Lithium-Ion Battery Roadmap focuses on the battery industry's scaling activities through 2030 and examines possible technology options, approaches, and solutions in the areas of materials, cells, production, systems, and recycling. The study examines three trends in particular: The production of performance-optimized, low-cost and sustainable batteries.

    A Roadmap for Solid-State Batteries

    Scan Online-Veröffentlichung Elsevier: A forecast on future raw material demand and recycling potential of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles

    Solid-state batteries are considered as a reasonable further development of lithium-ion batteries with liquid electrolytes. On the basis of an analysis of all materials and concept options, a roadmap for solid-state batteries is presented, relying on both literature survey and experts' opinions. Diverse cell concepts with different solid electrolytes may be developed up to the commercial level, yet there are still major uncertainties concerning production routes, safety as well as cost. As one of the key developments, it appears that hybrid material and cell concepts may be particularly successful on the way to commercialization.

    Background Report on Sodium-Ion Batteries 2023:

    Status Quo and Perspectives along a Future Value Chain

    Umfeldbericht Natrium-Ionen-Batterien 2023: Status Quo und Perspektiven entlang einer zukünftigen Wertschöpfungskette
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Marius C. Merkel

    The Background Report on Sodium-Ion Batteries 2023: Status Quo and Perspectives along a Future Value Chain (available in German only) presents current technological developments and challenges on SIB from active materials to cell production and first applications. The report discusses in detail industrial developments in Europe and Asia and presents forecasts for SIB production and application markets. The study is a joint effort of Fraunhofer ISI, Fraunhofer IPT, Fraunhofer FFB and the PEM of RWTH Aachen University. 

    Alternative Battery Technologies Roadmap 2030+

    Alternative Battery Technologies Roadmap 2030+
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Roadmap on alternative battery technologies addresses potentials and challenges of alternative battery technologies. It evaluates promising metal-ion, metal-sulfur, metal-air and redox flow batteries based on technical, economic and ecologic aspects for the period until 2045. The roadmap shows: Alternative battery technologies do not offer the same comprehensive fit as lithium-ion batteries but they offer high potential, for example for more sustainability or lower costs and can complement or even replace lithium-ion batteries in certain applications. However, many of the technologies considered still have to overcome a number of challenges before they can enter the market or become widespread.

  • Lithium-Ion Battery Roadmap – Industrialization Perspectives Towards 2030

    Benchmarking International Battery Policies
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Lithium-Ion Battery Roadmap focuses on the battery industry's scaling activities through 2030 and examines possible technology options, approaches, and solutions in the areas of materials, cells, production, systems, and recycling. The study examines three trends in particular: The production of performance-optimized, low-cost and sustainable batteries.

    Alternative Battery Technologies Roadmap 2030+

    Alternative Battery Technologies Roadmap 2030+
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Roadmap on alternative battery technologies addresses potentials and challenges of alternative battery technologies. It evaluates promising metal-ion, metal-sulfur, metal-air and redox flow batteries based on technical, economic and ecologic aspects for the period until 2045. The roadmap shows: Alternative battery technologies do not offer the same comprehensive fit as lithium-ion batteries but they offer high potential, for example for more sustainability or lower costs and can complement or even replace lithium-ion batteries in certain applications. However, many of the technologies considered still have to overcome a number of challenges before they can enter the market or become widespread.

    Solid-State Battery Roadmap 2035+

    Energiespeicher-Roadmap 2017
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Solid-State Battery Roadmap 2035+ considers a wide range of aspects from the individual materials, components and cells through to their utilization. It critically evaluates existing research as well as the latest findings and compares the development potential of solid-state batteries over the next ten years with that of established lithium-ion batteries. The roadmap demonstrates that solid-state batteries have a lot of potential, but will have to prove their commercial viability in the next five years.

    Energy Storage Roadmap (update 2017)

    High Energy Batteries 2030+ and Perspectives of Future Battery Technologies

    Energiespeicher-Roadmap 2017
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Energy Storage Roadmap 2017 (available in German only) updates all roadmaps developed so far. It addresses the challenges for research and development (R&D) of high-energy batteries, for which cell production capacities are currently being massively expanded worldwide. In addition, long-term potentials for alternative battery technologies show whether and which technologies could enter the market beyond 2030. 

    General Roadmap Lithium-Ionen Batteries 2030

    Gesamt-Roadmap Lithium-Ionen-Batterien 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The General Roadmap Lithium-Ionen Batteries 2030 (available in German only) updates and integrates the Technology and Product Roadmap published in 2010 and 2012. It provides a comprehensive overview of the status and development potential of lithium-ion batteries for electromobility and stationary applications and thus forms a bracket around the roadmaps "Energy Storage for Electromobility“ and “Stationary Energy Storage“, which are published in parallel. It outlines the expected developments in lithium-ion battery technology and alternative or competing energy storage solutions up to 2030 and highlights dependencies between technologies for electromobility and stationary applications. Long-term scenarios up to 2050 allow questions of raw material availability, the influence of technical progress of the lithium-ion battery as well as market changes to be considered in a model-based manner. 

    Technology Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030

    Technologie-Roadmap Lithium-Ionen-Batterien 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    In the Technology Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030 from 2010 (available in German only), the technological developments of lithium-ion batteries from the material and component level to cell types as well as complementary and competing technologies were recorded and estimated for the period up to 2030. The roadmap has basically retained its validity in terms of statements and time periods up to 2015 and has now been made connectable and differentiated at system and application level. 

    Product Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030

    Produkt-Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Lithium-Ion Battery Product Roadmap 2030 from 2012 shows the potential applications and specific requirements for lithium-ion batteries for a wide range of applications such as electric two-wheelers, hybrid or purely battery electric vehicles, vans, commercial vehicles or decentralised and centralised stationary applications. The roadmap is still valid and has now been quantified in terms of its range of applications with the “General Roadmap Lithium-Ion Batteries 2030“.

    General Roadmap Energy Storage for Electric Mobility 2030

    Gesamt-Roadmap Energiespeicher für die Elektromobilität 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The General Roadmap Energy Storage for Electric Mobility 2030 (available in German only) updates and integrates the Technology and Product Roadmap published in 2010 and 2012. It provides a comprehensive overview of the status and development potential of lithium-ion batteries for electromobility and stationary applications and thus forms a bracket around the roadmaps “Energy Storage for Electromobility“ and “Stationary Energy Storage“, which are published in parallel. It outlines the expected developments in lithium-ion battery technology and alternative or competing energy storage solutions up to 2030 and highlights dependencies between technologies for electromobility and stationary applications. Long-term scenarios up to 2050 allow questions of raw material availability, the influence of technical progress of the lithium-ion battery as well as market changes to be considered in a model-based manner. 

    Technology Roadmap Energy Storage for Electric Mobility 2030

    Technologie-Roadmap Energiespeicher für die Elektromobilität 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Technology Roadmap Energy Storage for Electromobilit 2030 from 2012 shows and quantifies essential development paths of future battery systems as well as their performance data and key parameters, in particular service life, quality and safety. The focus of the road map is on the consideration of central energy storage technologies that are considered promising for use in electric vehicles, more precisely plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV).

    Product Roadmap Energy Storage for Electromobility 2030

    Produkt-Roadmap Energiespeicher für die Elektromobilität 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Product Roadmap Energy Storage for Electromobility 2030(available in German only) takes into account BEVs, PHEVs and HEVs, all of which are innovation drivers for the further development of the lithium-ion battery with the highest requirements, especially in terms of battery energy density and cost. BEVs represent by far the most important market for high-energy lithium-ion battery cells. Compared to today's mostly cost-optimised models, the roadmap shows a path for range-optimised and affordable electric mobility for the next 10 to 20 years. To this end, it also identifies and discusses the framework conditions that will promote and hinder this development during this period. 

    General Roadmap Stationary Energy Storage 2030

    Gesamt-Roadmap Stationäre Energiespeicher 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    In the General Roadmap Stationary Energy Storage 2030 (available in German only) the technology offer from the Technology Roadmap is compared with selected applications or business models from the Product Roadmap in which the lithium-ion battery is currently used or can be used in the short to medium term. Compared to the reference technology used today, substitution scenarios are developed that show when an alternative technology can achieve an improvement over the respective status quo. The scenarios considered are (1.) decentralised, grid-connected PV battery systems for self-demand optimisation, (2.) multi-purpose self-demand optimisation with larger storage systems together with peak shaving, as well as (3.) direct marketing of renewable energies (on the generation or grid side, e.g. in island grids) and (4.) balancing power. The comparison of the technologies results in a differentiated picture in which very different technical solutions are attractive. 

    Technology Roadmap Stationary Energy Storage 2030

    Technologie-Roadmap Stationäre Energiespeicher 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    Based on today's reference technologies, the Technology Roadmap Stationary Energy Storage 2030 (available in German only) looks at eight classes of storage sizes and typical charging and discharging times to see which alternative technology developments are likely by 2030. With regard to their properties, three technologies are evaluated at three different points in time (current, short-term and medium/long-term): the lead-acid battery as a reference, lithium-based batteries and redox-flow batteries. 

    Product Roadmap Stationary Energy Storage 2030

    Produkt-Roadmap Stationäre Energiespeicher 2030
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Product Roadmap Stationary Energy Storage 2030 (available in German only) deals with possible applications, products and business models for the technologies documented in the Technology Roadmap and subdivides them into the local (private, commercial owner-ship), distribution grid and transmission grid level. In addition, framework conditions are discussed that can promote or inhibit the demand for electrochemical energy storage. Based on three specific use cases, (1.) decentralised, grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) battery systems (on-grid PV) for self-demand optimisation, (2.) self-demand optimisation with larger storage units (campus/commercial/industrial) and (3.) industrial peak shaving, requirements for the performance parameters of a technical solution are identified. 

  • VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 – Update 2023

    VDMA Roadmap Batterie-Produktionsmittel 2030 – Update 2023
    © VDMA Battery Production

    The VDMA Battery Production Equipment Roadmap 2030 (Update 2023) addresses the further development of production technology. Since its initial publication in 2014, the roadmap has received worldwide attention, and many suggestions have been taken up and implemented. The goal-oriented dialog between battery producers, production research and the mechanical and plant engineering sector was continued, also including experience with foreign competence providers.

    VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 – Update 2020

    VDMA Roadmap Batterie-Produktionsmittel 2030 – Update 2020
    © VDMA Batterieproduktion

    The VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 (Update 2020) (available in German only) addresses the further development of production technology. It discusses upcoming requirements for battery machine manufacturing and formulates approaches to solutions for mechanical and plant engineering. In a total of 14 technology chapters, red brick walls were identified and discussed according to the current state of technology.

    The roadmap builds on publications released in 2014, 2016 and 2018.

    VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 – Update 2018

    VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 – Update 2018
    © VDMA Battery Production

    The VDMA Battery Production Equipment Roadmap 2030 (Update 2018) addresses the further development of production technology. It discusses future requirements for battery machine construction and formulates approaches to solutions for machine and plant construction.

    The roadmap builds on publications released in 2014 and 2016.

    VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 – Update 2016

    VDMA Roadmap Battery Production Equipment 2030 – Update 2016
    © VDMA Battery Production

    The VDMA Battery Production Equipment Roadmap 2030 (Update 2016) addresses the further development of production technology. It discusses future requirements for battery machine construction and formulates approaches to solutions for machine and plant construction.

  • Background Report on Sodium-Ion Batteries 2023:

    Status Quo and Perspectives along a Future Value Chain

    Umfeldbericht Natrium-Ionen-Batterien 2023: Status Quo und Perspektiven entlang einer zukünftigen Wertschöpfungskette
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Marius C. Merkel

    The Background Report on Sodium-Ion Batteries 2023: Status Quo and Perspectives along a Future Value Chain (available in German only) presents current technological developments and challenges on SIB from active materials to cell production and first applications. The report discusses in detail industrial developments in Europe and Asia and presents forecasts for SIB production and application markets. The study is a joint effort of Fraunhofer ISI, Fraunhofer IPT, Fraunhofer FFB and the PEM of RWTH Aachen University. 

    Background report on the European battery innovation system 2022

    Umfeldbericht zum europäischen Innovationssystem Batterie 2022
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Marius C. Merkel

    Background report on the European battery innovation system 2022

    The background report provides an overview of the situation of three important industry groups in the battery innovation system in Europe: material manufacturing and recycling, mechanical and plant engineering, cell manufacturing. The report presents current challenges and compares the R&D offer of the Fraunhofer Research Fabrication Battery Cell FFB. (available in German only)

    Battery storage in power grids - Final report 2021

    Berichterstattung 2021 zum Gesetz zur Bevorrechtigung der Verwendung elektrisch betriebener Fahrzeuge (EmoG)

    Consentec; Fraunhofer ISI; Stiftung Umweltenergierecht (2022): Batteriespeicher in Netzen. Final Report on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). (available in German only)

    Reporting 2021 on the Law to Prioritize the Use of Electrically Powered Vehicles

    Berichterstattung 2021 zum Gesetz zur Bevorrechtigung der Verwendung elektrisch betriebener Fahrzeuge (EmoG)

    The Reporting on the Electric Mobility Act (Berichterstattung zum Elektromobilitätsgesetz) (available in German only) accompanies the “Law to prioritize the use of electrically powered vehicles” (Gesetz zur Bevorrechtigung der Verwendung elektrisch betriebener Fahrzeuge) – in short form Electric Mobility Act – enacted by the Federal Government of Germany. The report explains the background of the law, refers to the status quo of electric mobility in Germany and discusses the concrete implementation of the law as well as recommendations for the future. 

    Energy Storage Monitoring 2018

    Energiespeicher-Monitoring 2018
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Update of the 2018 Energy Storage Monitoring Study (available in German only) shows that China has become the leading supplier of batteries and the leading market for batteries as well as electric mobility between 2016 and 2018. (available in German only)


    Energy Storage Monitoring 2016

    Energiespeicher-Monitoring 2016
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Energy Storage Monitoring-Update 2016 (available in German only) comprises 30 individual indicators distributed across the categories of demand, market structures, industry, and research and technology. The Energy Storage Monitoring 2016 is therefore directly comparable with the Energy Storage Monitoring 2014. 

    Energy Storage Monitoring 2014

    Energiespeicher-Monitoring 2014
    © Fraunhofer ISI / Heyko Stöber

    The Energy Storage Monitoring 2014 (available in German only) comprises 30 individual indicators distributed across the categories of demand, market structures, industry as well as research and technology. 

  • Circular battery design: investing in sustainability and profitability

    Recycling von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien: Chancen und Herausforderungen für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

    Journal Article in: Energy & Environmental Science, RSC, Cambridge (2024). Download

    Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries:

    Opportunities and Challenges for Mechanical and Plant Engineering

    Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Opportunities and Challenges for Mechanical and Plant Engineering
    © IMPULS-Stiftung

    The present study Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Opportunities and Challenges for Mechanical and Plant Engineering aims to quantify these secondary effects of a European recycling industry. To this end, a Fraunhofer ISI market model was used to derive forecasts for the growth of a European battery recycling market. The effects for mechanical and plant engineering were quantified on the basis of interview results with battery recycling and plant experts.

    Sustainability pathways in a future European battery ecosystem

    Presentation held at Dresden Battery Days 2023, 26th September 2023, Dresden

    Dresden Battery Days 2023
    © Fraunhofer ISI

    The battery industry faces the challenge of sustainability, encompassing environmental impact reduction, social responsibility, and governance. In Europe, sustainability involves developing an ecosystem that ensures stability and growth across the battery value chain. This includes securing access to critical raw materials and achieving technological sovereignty. Efforts have been made to localize production, explore European raw material deposits, and implement regulations. However, Europe still relies heavily on non-European sources, highlighting the need for more sustainable solutions and reducing dependency on non-European players.

    Sustainability pathways in a future European battery ecosystem

    Battery Location on a Climate Course

    VDMA Roadmap Batterie-Produktionsmittel 2030 – Update 2016
    © Agora Verkehrswende

    The content focuses on the “Prospects for climate-neutral battery production for electromobility in Germany“. Despite the poor availability of data, an attempt is made to provide as comprehensive as possible a picture of the production processes involved in cell manufacture. (available in German only)

    Battery Location on a Climate Course 

  • Recycling von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien: Chancen und Herausforderungen für den Maschinen- und Anlagenbau

    Circular battery design: investing in sustainability and profitability 

    Journal Article in: Energy & Environmental Science, RSC, Cambridge (2024).

    Scan Online-Veröffentlichung Elsevier: A forecast on future raw material demand and recycling potential of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles

    A Roadmap for Solid-State Batteries 

    Solid-state batteries are considered as a reasonable further development of lithium-ion batteries with liquid electrolytes. On the basis of an analysis of all materials and concept options, a roadmap for solid-state batteries is presented, relying on both literature survey and experts' opinions. Diverse cell concepts with different solid electrolytes may be developed up to the commercial level, yet there are still major uncertainties concerning production routes, safety as well as cost. As one of the key developments, it appears that hybrid material and cell concepts may be particularly successful on the way to commercialization.

    Scan Online-Veröffentlichung Elsevier: A forecast on future raw material demand and recycling potential of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles

    A forecast on future raw material demand and recycling potential of lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles

    The study focuses on the future demand for electric vehicle battery cathode raw materials lithium, cobalt, nickel, and manganese by considering different technology and growth scenarios. Depending on the growth and technology scenario, the future demand for lithium and cobalt exceeds today's production by up to 8 times in 2040. Nickel exceeds today's production in one scenario. For manganese, future demand in 2040 remains far below today's production.

    Trends in Automotive Battery Cell Design: A Statistical Analysis of Empirical Data

    The study describes design trends in Li-ion batteries from the pack to the electrode level based on empirical data, including pack energy, cell capacity, outer cell dimensions and formats, energy density, specific energy, and electrode properties, such as active material selection, porosities, and component thicknesses. Market share-weighted findings imply several trends, such as (1) increasing cell dimensions, with the longest cells reaching 500 mm (pouch) and almost 1000 mm (prismatic) in 2021, (2) increasing differentiation between either high-energy or low-cost cathode and anode materials, and (3) increasing cell energy, equivalent to gaining about 100% (energy density) and 70% (specific energy) compared to the 2010 and 2021 averages.

Projects and references

Our customers include national and international companies from the fields of materials and component manufacturing, plant engineering, cell production, battery application and recycling.

Within the framework of publicly funded research projects, we work for federal ministries such as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action BMWK, Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure BMVI or for bodies of the European Commission.

Press and media appearances

Battery Update

In the Battery Update, researchers from Fraunhofer ISI discuss current debates and issues related to battery research, production and development. Along the entire battery value chain, i.e. from raw materials, components, the battery cell, battery markets and recycling, relevant topics are adressed and critically discussed.

  • Electric car sales figures: temporary weakness or turnaround?

    by Philipp Keller and Tim Wicke / October 24, 2024

    Estimated ramp-up of BEV sales in Europe by 2030 based on the sales targets set by manufacturers
    © Fraunhofer ISI

    In recent months, there have been repeated reports of low sales figures for electric cars and redundancies at car manufacturers due to underutilized production lines. The following analysis provides an overview of the current situation on the vehicle market in Germany and Europe.

    more info
  • Der European Battery Business Club (EBBC) vermittelt aktuelles Batteriewissen in Kombination mit Einblicken in die Industrie durch ein asynchrones Online-Training.
    © EBBC/Fraunhofer ISI

    As the battery industry continues to expand, the need for specialized training and upskilling becomes imperative. In this article, we will explore the different groups within the industry that require vocational training and examine the suitability of pure online trainings. The European Battery Business (EBBC) addresses these needs by providing cutting-edge battery knowledge with industry insights, delivered through innovative micro-learning elements. This ensures self-directed learning and the possibility to educate a high number of personnel at the same time. Does the format and the content of the EBBC fit to the training needs of the growing European battery technology industry?

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  • Solid-state batteries for electric vehicles: Still in R&D or on the verge of commercialization?

    by Inés Rosellón Inclán and Dr. Christoph Neef / April 30, 2024

    Solid-state batteries: Publications by origin and announced cell production capacities by planned location
    © Fraunhofer ISI

    Solid-state batteries (SSBs) have gained in importance in recent years and almost all well-known OEMs mention the technology on their development roadmaps, sometimes with quite specific dates for their implementation. But have SSBs already reached the necessary technological maturity for introduction in the automotive market? Alongside the manufacturers' commercialization announcements, there are still reports from research and development that suggest that there are still major challenges on the road to mass production.

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  • Comparison of alternative battery technologies: technology maturity, market potential and sustainability benefits
    © Fraunhofer ISI

    The growing global demand for batteries is currently covered for the largest part by lithium-ion batteries. However, alternative battery technologies are increasingly coming into focus due to geopolitical dependencies and resource availability. What alternatives to lithium-ion batteries can meet the growing demand, ease the raw material situation and reduce geopolitical dependencies? How can supply chains be established in such a way that a resilient and technologically sovereign battery ecosystem can be created in Europe? And what about sodium-ion batteries, already used in electric vehicles in Asia?

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  • Solid-state battery roadmap with different cell concepts and their expected start of industrial pilot production
    © Adapted from Thomas Schmaltz, Felix Hartmann, Tim Wicke, Lukas Weymann, Christoph Neef and Jürgen Janek (2023): A Roadmap for Solid-State Batteries; in: Advanced Energy Materials (Volume 13, Issue 43/2023) published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

    Solid-state batteries are regarded as a promising further development of lithium-ion batteries. Different materials are available for the various components. Which ones could be successfully commercialized in (hybrid) cell concepts in the future?

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  • Spot market price development for Co, Li2CO3 and LiOH as well as number of publicly announced supply contract conclusions.
    © Fraunhofer ISI

    Prices for key battery raw materials have been subject to enormous fluctuations over the past two years, putting an end, at least temporarily, to the trend of falling battery cell costs. In its Battery Update, Fraunhofer ISI points out which role the design of supply contracts plays in pricing and how the changes in raw material prices affect the costs of different lithium-ion battery technologies.

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