Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI



Battery Update / 7.8.2024

Battery recycling in Europe continues to pick up speed

The recycling of lithium-ion batteries will play a central role for Europe in the future. Both expansion projects and announcements of new recycling plants can currently be observed. This new blog post is an update of an article from July 2023 and looks at the latest developments.

Press Release / 22.7.2024

How research and innovation can help the EU achieve a sustainable supply of critical raw materials

Through research and innovation, the European Union can improve its supply of critical raw materials – but how exactly can this be achieved? A new study led by Fraunhofer ISI on behalf of the STOA Panel of the European Parliament sheds light on the role of research and innovation along the value chain, it identifies research needs and evaluates concrete proposals for measures in terms of costs, benefits and feasibility.

Press Release / 16.7.2024

Resilient material supply: Fraunhofer develops digital ecosystem

Due to crises such as the coronavirus pandemic or suspended trade agreements, supply bottlenecks occur time and again. Raw materials such as nickel, magnesium and rare earths, which industry needs to manufacture a wide range of products, are not always available — often for long periods of time. This is where a new Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft flagship project comes in: Since January 2024, six Fraunhofer Institutes have been researching how sustainable and resilient supplies can be maintained and secured.


Publication series

Current Policy Brief


Press Release / 15.7.2024

Electric trucks: How many fast-charging locations are needed in Europe?

A new joint study by Fraunhofer ISI and Amazon provides critical insights as to the optimal number and location of public fast-charging stations required to enable the widespread electrification of long-haul trucking in Europe. 

Press Release / 4.7.2024

How will "quantum-secure" communication technologies develop in future?

Fraunhofer ISI and Saarland University have analyzed three generations of quantum communication in a new study. The study’s quantitative monitoring gives insights into patent development, projects future growth, and compares international research strategies. The study, which was funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, also examined how Germany and Europe stand in an international context.

Press Release / 20.6.2024

Zero-emission trucks: Declining costs imply fast market diffusion

A new Fraunhofer ISI study analysed future cost developments for price-setting components of zero-emission trucks from more than 200 sources. The study findings show that zero-emission trucks will benefit from rapidly falling costs of batteries and fuel cells, which will enable their fast market diffusion and help to achieve national and international climate policy targets.

Press Release / 18.6.2024

A new study discusses the opportunities and risks of deepfakes for politics, business and society

In a new study conducted by Fraunhofer ISI on behalf of TA-SWISS, researchers look at the issue of "deepfakes". The first step was to analyze the current state of technology and research with regard to deepfakes and examine how they are perceived by the Swiss population. In addition, the study analyzed their potential impact on journalism, law, politics and business and drew up recommendations for action in these areas.

Publications / 20.6.2024

Fraunhofer ISI's Annual Report 2023 published

Fraunhofer ISI has published its Annual Report 2023. In the interactive online publication, the institute looks back on outstanding moments and projects from the past year, presents facts & figures and provides information personnel and organizational changes.

Blog article / 28.5.2024

New type of assessment: Proportion of people travelling by bike in Germany could increase significantly

On behalf of the ADFC, Fraunhofer ISI carried out a new type of assessment of the potential for cycling in Germany. One of the results is that additional political measures could increase the share of cycling to an average of 45 percent. In our blog, the researchers explain the methodology behind the study.


The scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI annually publish more than 200 publications including research reports, books, working papers and scientific articles which together cover the broad spectrum of ISI's research. Every month, the latest Fraunhofer ISI specialist publications will be updated in an institute-wide list.