
Empirical study on AI use in production (AI readiness)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered one of the key technologies for the entire economy and has attracted increasing attention in various sectors. In manufacturing, the integration of AI into production processes promises to increase productivity, efficiency and automation. However, the actual diffusion of AI in industrial enterprises is still uncertain at this stage.

This is where the project “AI Readiness” comes in: with the help of the development of AI Readiness, the dissemination of AI in the manufacturing industry is specifically analysed.

On the basis of representative operational data on the use of AI technologies in the industrial enterprises of Baden-Württemberg and Germany, the actual AI readiness can thus be determined, comparisons can be made and essential patterns can be analysed.

The results provide essential fields of action and options for stakeholders from politics and industry regarding to the key topic of AI in production.

The aim of the project is to develop a scientifically based instrument for the analysis of the readiness of industrial enterprises for artificial intelligence (“AI Readiness”), which allows to determine the maturity level of enterprises on the way to AI. The actual AI readiness of the industrial companies in Baden-Württemberg and Germany will be shown on the basis of the latest survey wave German Manufacturing Survey 2018 by Fraunhofer ISI. Based on the results, dissemination patterns can be identified and analysed, on the basis of which empirical studies can be carried out within different groups. With the help of the results, fields of action and options for action can be derived for different addressees from the economy and politics with regard to AI in production.

Development of an AI Readiness Index:
An AI Readiness Index is being developed with the help of the operating data from the Fraunhofer ISI survey German Manufacturing Survey.

Broad empirical analysis using the Fraunhofer ISI survey:
The results of the latest survey German Manufacturing Survey 2018 at Fraunhofer ISI will then be quantitatively analysed and evaluated in order to achieve the further project goals.

The AI readiness index for industrial production allows the readiness of industrial enterprises for AI to be measured and is described on the basis of empirically reliable data.

Based on the evaluation of the production data, the AI readiness for manufacturing in Baden-Württemberg and Germany can be determined.

The results are used to identify empirically robust AI patterns in the manufacturing industry, especially with regard to Baden-Württemberg and in comparison with Germany. The data also allow representative analyses with regard to AI readiness under certain production characteristics or branches.

The results provide fields of action and options for stakeholders from industry and politics regarding to AI in production.


08/2020 – 05/2021


Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Wohnungsbau Baden- Württemberg