
r4 Integration and Transfer Project (r4 INTRA)

Sub-project 2: Operative project coordination and estimating the resource efficiency potentials


The integration and transfer project “r4-INTRA“ accompanies the nation-wide funding measure “r4 - Innovative technologies for resource efficiency – research for the provision of raw materials of strategic economic importance“. Its objective is to use research and development to increase the supply of primary and secondary raw materials of strategic economic importance. r4-INTRA wants to enhance the innovativeness of the funded projects by targeted networking and transfer activities. In addition, it is examined which contribution the funding measure makes to achieving the funding objectives. Because the r4 funding measure is part of the FONA Framework Programme, it plays a particular role in contributing to sustainability and to improving resource efficiency. This is why the integration and transfer project analyses the sustainability impacts of the measure and their benefits for resource efficiency and supply security.

Fraunhofer ISI is responsible for the overall operative project coordination of r4-INTRA and it coordinates the analysis of sustainability impacts and resource efficiency potentials. Different dimensions play a role in this: (a) the potential to improve the supply of raw materials with strategic economic importance from primary and secondary sources; (b) potential ecological and direct economic effects of the solutions developed in the r4 projects; (c) implications for the criticality of the analysed raw materials and for Germany’s supply security and (d) macroeconomic impacts of implementing the solutions developed in r4 with regard to gross value added and employment. Based on detailed data collection at the level of the projects – some based on material flows and some on life cycle oriented approaches– the overall effects of the funding measure are estimated by including model-based calculations. In this way the project contributes to deriving generalizable scientific results above and beyond the r4 projects. The project coordinator CUTEC and the other partners BGR and KIT are also closely involved in these studies. In addition, CUTEC coordinates the networking and transfer activities of r4-INTRA. These include extensive public relations, a large internet-based supply of information and various events with different formats.


01.01.2015 - 31.12.2019


  • German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)


  • CUTEC Institute of Environmental Technology (project coordinator)
  • BGR – German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR - Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe)
  • Institute for Industrial Production (IIP), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  • Pforzheim University

Project website