
Bundled infrastructure planning and admissions and integrated conversion of regional supply systems – challenges for environmental and sustainability assessments? (INTEGRIS)

Supply and waste disposal infrastructures are essential conditions to maintain our quality of life and the condition for sustainable development. Changes in the environment and society have repercussions on infrastructures and their transformation.  

Fewer environmental problems and social and economic advantages are expected by jointly relocating and bundling different infrastructures such as electricity, water, gas, information and communication services, district heat, waste water and others. Synergies and/or bundling options .are partly also legally specified for example in the conservation law or planning law. Especially in order to fulfil the targets of regional planning the bundling of infrastructures is relied on. This development goal is specifically not among the long term planning targets of other systems (Plan for Federal Traffic Routes, Digital Agenda, less specific: Energy Transition, Climate Protection Goals etc.)

The overall aim of this research project is to find out how bundling infrastructures can create more environmentally friendly solutions. They should be transferable to the whole of Germany in terms of admission and planning regulations and in terms of their immediate spatial impact and the sustainable regional d evelopment. It is investigated which barriers result from expanding potentially intended bundled infrastructures and how these can be overcome.

On the basis of four case studies in particular the respective environmental impacts are to be investigated. In addition possible needs for adaption (technological, organisational, legal) as well as potentials, limits and conflicting goals are identified.

For this purpose a retrospective examination of planning and admission regulations including environmental inspections for integrated planned bundled infrastructure projects are conducted on the one hand, on the other hand bundled infrastructure projects and an integrated conversion of regional supply systems regarding their compliance with the model of a sustainable infrastructure conversion are assessed and the consequences and sustainability aspects are evaluated.

INTEGRIS‘ objective is therefore to clarify procedural matters for planning and admitting and evaluating sustainability in terms of regional development.  


1 October 2016 - 31 January 2020


  • Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt)


  • Bosch und Partner GmbH
  • Stiftung Umweltenergierecht