Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2025 |
Hydrogen Infrastructure in the Future CO2-Neutral European Energy System - How Does the Demand for Hydrogen Affect the Need for Infrastructure?
Fleiter, Tobias; Fragoso García, Joshua; Lux, Benjamin; Alibas, Sirin; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Manz, Pia; Neuner, Felix; Weißenburger, Bastian; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Sensfuß, Frank |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2024 |
Flexibilisierung elektrifizierter Industrieprozesse
Fleiter, Tobias; Haendel, Michael; Klobasa, Marian; Lux, Benjamin; Khanra, Manish; Männer, Wolfgang; Bußmann, Simon Lukas; Kiefer, Christoph; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Schwotzer, Christian; Kaiser, Felix; Gondorf, Carsten |
Studie Study
2024 |
The impacts of decarbonization pathways on Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union
Moreno, Jorge; Campagnolo, Lorenza; Boitier, Baptiste; Nikas, Alexandros; Koasidis, Konstantinos; Gambhir, Ajay; González-Eguino, Mikel; Perdana, Sigit; Ven, Dirk-Jan van de; Chiodi, Alessandro; Delpiazzo, Elisa; Doukas, Haris; Gargiulo, Maurizio; Herbst, Andrea; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Alibas, Sirin; Neuner, Felix; Le Mouël, Pierre; Vielle, Marc |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Report on findings of the New Social Trends pathway analysis for all sectors including selected macro-economic impacts. Deliverable D3.3
Yu, Songmin; Paroussos, Leonidas; Asimakopoulou, Georgina; Mascherbauer, Philipp; Müller, Andreas; Lukas Kranzl; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Herbst, Andrea; Lotz, Meta Thurid; Fleiter, Tobias; Jakob, Martin; Steck, Michael; Tsiropoulos, Ioannis; Karkatsoulis, Panagiotis; Florou, Alkisti; Fragkiadakis, Dimitris |
Bericht Report
2023 |
How do system-wide net-zero scenarios compare to sector model pathways for the EU? A novel approach based on benchmark indicators and index decomposition analyses
Riemer, Matia; Wachsmuth, Jakob; Boitier, Baptiste; Elia, Alessia; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Alibas, Sirin; Chiodi, Alessandro; Neuner, Felix |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
Renewable heating and cooling pathways - Towards full decarbonisation by 2050. Final report
Braungardt, Sibylle; Bürger, Veit; Fleiter, Tobias; Bagheri, Mahsa; Hummel, Marcus; Billerbeck, Anna; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Breitschopf, Barbara; Manz, Pia; Fallahnejad, Mostafa; Harringer, Daniel; Jeton Hasani, Ali Kök; Kranzl, Lukas; Mascherbauer, Philipp; Winkler, Jenny; Müller, Andreas; Habiger, Jul; Persson, Urban; Sánchez-García, Luis |
Bericht Report
2023 |
A multi-model analysis of the EU’s path to net zero
Boitier, Baptiste; Nikas, Alexandros; Gambhir, Ajay; Koasidis, Konstantinos; Elia, Alessia; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Alibas, Sirin; Campagnolo, Lorenza; Chiodi, Alessandro; Delpiazzo, Elisa; Doukas, Haris; Fougeyrollas, Arnaud; Gargiulo, Maurizio; Le Mouël, Pierre; Neuner, Felix; Perdana, Sigit; Ven, Dirk-Jan van de; Vielle, Marc; Zagamé, Paul; Mittal, Shivika |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2023 |
METIS 3, study S5. The impact of industry transition on a CO2-neutral European energy system
Fleiter, Tobias; Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Clement, Andreas; Rehfeldt, Matthias |
Bericht Report
2022 |
Modelling pathways towards a climate-neutral EU industry sector
Al-Dabbas, Khaled; Fleiter, Tobias; Neuwirth, Marius; Rehfeldt, Matthias; Herbst, Andrea |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper