
EU RES-Monitoring / RES-Observer II

RES Observer II (2021 – 2025) focuses on RES-E and RES-H&C integration and RES investment, while the previous RES Observer (2017 - 2020) focused on flexibility, innovation and competition and RE H&C.

European Union Member States have been engaged into a deep and fundamental energy transition. They started setting a comprehensive policy framework supporting RES deployment (Directive 2009/28/EC) and went further with the Renewable Energy Directive (Directive 2018/2001, RED II) by introducing a new binding renewable energy target of 32% RES share of gross final energy consumption by 2030.

EU aims to become the world leader in renewables. Binding national targets for 2030 became the key driver for European countries and have been stimulating global investment in renewable technologies and supportive renewable energy policies. The energy transition is also driven by other major objectives: securing energy supply, ensuring that energy providers operate in a competitive environment and reducing fossil fuel dependence and greenhouse gas emissions. This global context makes it necessary to have a broad scope of indicators monitoring the impacts of renewable energy technology development beyond the sole energy dimension.


Creation and assessment of diverse energy (RE) indicators for the EurObserv’ER barometer. The work program includes the annual publication of 6 thematic barometers and an overview barometer report covering all renewable energy technologies with respect to their energy, investment and socio-economic aspects for each EU27 Member State.



Elaborate and assess indicators related to RE energy supply, socio-economic impacts, innovation, competitiveness, RES investment and RES integration of the power system. The monitoring tool is a way for the EU Commission to communicate to all stakeholders and energy market players that the energy transition offers tremendous opportunities of investment, employment and growth and that RES sectors perform well in economic terms.

To assess these indicators, diverse data sources and methods are applied.


  • Energy indicators and analysis for thematic and overview barometers
  • Creation of indicators
  • RES developments in main non-EU trading partners
  • RES-H&C and RES-E in building stock and urban infrastructure (lead Fh-ISI)
  • Investment in RES (lead Fh-ISI)
  • Socio-economic impacts
    • Employment and turnover impact
    • Energy security
    • Cost of RE technologies
  • Innovation and competitiveness:
    • RES R&D
    • Patents
    • Trade of RES technologies and services
  • Regulatory profiles of RES markets

Project Term

July 2021 – July 2025


  • DG Ener
  • European Commission

Project Team

  • Fraunhofer ISI
  • Observ’ER (coordinator)
  • Renewables Academy (RENAC)
  • TNO
  • CBS
  • VITO