
Climate Protection Scenario 2050

The project develops a vision of the future in the form of three scenarios which achieves the German climate protection targets considering all sectors and the use of the national potentials for renewable energy sources:

  • a very ambitious KS95 (2°C Climate protections scenario) which reaches a minimum of 95% redcution in GHG emissions in 2050 compared to 1990
  • the KS 80 ("minimum scenario"), which reaches the targets which have been fixed by the German government in the energy concept  for greenhousegas emissions (-80% compared to 1990), renewables and energy efficiency (but always only the lowest level of the bandwidth invisaged)
  • the AMS Scenario, which provides the reference by extrapolating present policies to 2050

The scenarios show emissions and energy parameters, value added and socio-economic parameters as well as price trends. For the minimum target and the 2°C climate protection scenario, possible policy instruments and measures for achieving the respective targets are presented in such a way that an analysis of different climate policy measures is possible. The key questions are which target level could be achieved by updating current energy and climate policy, which measures and strategies will be necessary in order to achieve the climate targets, which cost/benefit ratios will result for consumers and the national economy and what distributional effects can arise. In view of the highly dynamic energy and political environment, these scenarios are updated annually over a period of 3 years.
