
Central operation of decentralised plants - Implemantation of an innovative organizational concept for wastewater disposal using small sewage treatment plants in Baden-Wuerttemberg, area of application Ravensburg district (z*dez)

The market for small sewage treatment plants has developed significantly in recent years. Due to the legal framework conditions in Germany (recognition as a permanent solution) but also internationally, the application and application possibilities have increased considerably. An essential role in this context is played by the technical advancements which now make it possible to ensure very extensive wastewater treatment.

A fundamental challenge in the implementation of decentralised wastewater infrastructure concepts is to ensure the long-term professional operation of these plants. By professionalizing the operation of small sewage treatment plants with simultaneous use of technical possibilities of remote monitoring, it can be ensured that the cleaning performance of modern small sewage treatment plants, which is now possible due to technical progress, can also be permanently achieved in practice. In comparison with previous experience in decentralised wastewater disposal, this will substantially reduce the burden on the environment.

Against the background of these developments, this project aims to adapt and implement an innovative organizational concept for decentralised wastewater disposal for a region in Baden-Wuerttemberg. The specific boundary conditions in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, but above all in the project area, must be taken into account.

The project is divided into the following 3 phases:

  1. Development of a concept adapted to the region and capable of implementation (possibly with a distinction between the construction of new plants and the integration of existing plants).
  2. Implementation of the concept, including the construction phase and commissioning of the plants.
  3. Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the concept.


  • Niederste-Hollenberg, J.; Hillenbrand, T.; Ungermann, A. (2017): Zentraler Betrieb dezentraler Anlagen: z*dez – Erfahrungen aus drei Jahren Betrieb, KA-Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, eingereicht.
  • Niederste-Hollenberg, J.; Hillenbrand, T.; Ungermann, A.; Lachenmayer, E. (2016): Zentraler Betrieb dezentraler Anlagen: z*dez. Ein innovatives Betriebs- und Organisationsmodell für die dezentrale Abwasserentsorgung. In: Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, 2016 (63), No. 5, pp. 418-428.


  • Phase 1: Concept development → 04/2010 to 06/2012
  • Phase 2: Implementation and commissioning → 06/2012 to 06/2013
  • Phase 3: Scientific monitoring and evaluation of the concept → 07/2013 to 10/2016


  • Regional Council of Tuebingen


  • Ravensburg District Office, City of Wangen i. A., Kißlegg Municipality